Updated advice on children with Covid 19 symptoms in ELC and SAC services
Please see notice below which DCYA is sending to all providers, also link below is detailed update information from HPSC regarding: COVID-19 ASSESSMENT AND DECISION MAKING PATHWAY FOR ALL CHILDREN ≥ 3 MONTHS UNTIL COMPLETION OF PRIMARY SCHOOL
Update on HPSC Health Advice on Symptoms of Covid-19
for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare Settings
The HPSC have published a new Decision Pathways document that provides some new information on when children from 3 months to 13 years can attend their school and ELC/SAC setting. The document includes the following change to previous advice:
- A child with nasal cold symptoms (runny nose or sneezing) can continue to attend their ELC/SAC setting, provided:
- The child is otherwise well and active,
- The child has no new cough or temperature, and
- There is no other person in the child’s household with a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19.
Please see scenario E in the HPSCs Decision Pathways document for further information. Other advice remains unchanged.
More detail is available in the Decision Pathways document here:
The Department is currently developing a Tip Sheet based on the HPSC advice which will be available soon.
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