June 20, 2018
Reserve List for Capital 2018 Applications
Roscommon County Childcare Committee have been notified of the following;
This year a reserve list was introduced for the first time in case further funding capital funding should become available later in the year. 63 services were placed on this reserve list and each service has already been notified of this. If you have not received a notification to say you are on the reserve list then unfortunately you are not on that list.
This notice is to further update services in relation to the reserve list.
1) Is there a set number of services on the reserve list per strand?
Yes. The decision was made to limit the reserve list to applications that were within range of the funding threshold. This breaks down as follows:
· Strand 1- 14 applications ;
· Strand 2- 0 applications;
· Strand 3- 43 applications;
· Strand 4- 3 applications;
· Strand 5- 3 applications.
2) For how long will the reserve list be kept? Will it be considered up to the allocation of all funding?
All grant funding is on an annual basis. The available funding under the Early Years and School Age Childcare Capital Programmes for 2018 (€6.86m) has been allocated in full to successful applicants. Only if further funding becomes available in 2018 will services on the reserve list be considered for funding.
3) Is there a specific fund allocated for the reserve list or is it only as funding is turned down by successful services?
No. The reserve list has been introduced this year for the first times in case funding does become available throughout the year, through for example, grant decommittals or under-spends in other areas. The hope is that should further funding become available, those on the reserve list may be able to avail of the funding. However, being placed on the reserve list does not guarantee funding.
4) What is the typical rate of non-acceptance of the capital grant? i.e. how likely is it that someone on the reserve list will be successful?
This is the first year that a reserve list has been used for the Early Years and School Age Childcare Capital Programmes. As a result it is not possible to give an accurate estimation of the likelihood of a service on the reserve list to receive funding. However Pobal’s experience in previous years is that there is an extremely low rate of non-acceptance of a capital grant, making it less likely that a service on the reserve list will be successful due to others not accepting their capital grant.
5) If a service on the reserve list receives funding can it be paid retrospectively for work completed after the decision date of the grants but before the decision date for the reserve list? Could someone on the reserve list begin work now and if they are successful on the reserve list receive the full amount of funding?
No. The grant agreement for the EYC SAC Programme 2018 clearly states that retrospective costs are ineligible. This is in line with the Public Spending Code.
6) Does the reserve list have any bearing on funding allocation for the following year’s capital grants? If a service is on the reserve list this year, will their application be prioritised next year if they submit an application for the same project?
No. Applications are appraised at a point in time in line with specific criteria year on year. This is done so that funding can effectively target areas of need within the childcare sector at the time. Capital priorities and budgets are liable to change each year and as neither have been agreed for the 2019 programmes, we cannot commit 2019 funding to services who have applied for Capital funding in 2018.
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