Provider Capacity Survey
Provider Capacity Survey
Dear Provider,
Following the reopening of services on 29 June, DCYA are asking all providers to contribute to the ongoing monitoring of summer reopening, by letting the Department know how many children have returned and how many vacancies you have.
The Department, in conjunction with the CCCs, has developed a short survey on occupancy rates and vacancies to be completed by all services once they reopen. This survey is being administered by Pobal on behalf of the Department, and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
Information gathered from the survey will be used to determine the national occupancy and vacancy rates. It will also be shared with the County Childcare Committees so they have up-to-date information on the availability of childcare places in their area. This will in turn enable them to support parents in accessing childcare.
Please complete: ideally on each Friday afternoon with your weekly occupancy and vacancy figures. The survey will run on a weekly basis until early September. We have provided definitions on Occupancy and Vacancy figures in the survey introduction.
The Department appreciates that this is an additional task for you during a very busy period, but it is essential that DCYA and the CCCs get this information, so thank you in advance for completing the survey.
Early Years Division, DCYA
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