PIP Announcement: Important Updates for NCS and AIM Level 1 Reminder – 4 September, 2020
Please note the below important updates for NCS and AIM Level 1.
NCS: Change in Hours Available to Parents from 7 September 2020
As previously announced, the maximum number of subsidised hours available under NCS will increase from 40 to 45 hours per week as of Monday, 7 September.
For new awards, these hours will already be reflected in the award and there will be no change to the CHICK registration process.
For existing awards, the hours will be added onto the award on 7 September which will create a new segment with the new hours. Applicants will receive a notification on their portal when this has been applied.
For applicants who wish to use the additional hours, and where the additional hours are agreed between the provider and the applicant, Service Providers will be required to amend the existing registration.
Guidance on how to amend an NCS registration can be found under the ‘Amending Registrations’ Quick Guide on the Early Years Hive.
NCS: Submit Service Calendars for 2020 and 2021
All service providers contracted to NCS should have two active service calendars on their Early Years Hive; one for the current programme year and one for the following programme year.
Service calendars are submitted for each programme year i.e. August to August. A parent can be awarded a 52-week award at any time, e.g. it would run from September 2020 until September 2021. In this case, their chosen provider would be required to have an active service calendar for the 2021/22 programme year to cover the entire award.
As such, you must submit both an NCS 2020 service calendar and an NCS 2021 service calendar. If you are unsure as to what your opening hours will in the next programme year, please replicate your 2020 hours. You will be able to amend this calendar at a later date.
Please see the Service Calendar Quick Guide of the Early Years Hive for more information on how to add a service calendar. There you’ll find a clear PDF action sheet outlining the steps involved as well a short training video.
AIM Level 1: Reminder
Please note that if you are submitting an application for AIM Level 1 on the Early Years Hive, you must ensure that you attach all pages of the declaration.
A copy of the applicant guidelines can be found here.
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