August 22, 2018
PIP Announcement: Changes to the CCSP registration process 2018
Changes to the CCSP registration process 2018
As already communicated there have been some changes to the CCSP registration process for 2018/19. The API Key has been introduced for validation for CCSP childcare scheme applicants in receipt of Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) payments- this is a direct electronic link into the DEASP system utilising the parent and child’s PPSN. Medical cards and GP visit cards are also now directly validated on the HSE database.
As a result, when registering a child onto the CCSP programme on PIP with DEASP or Medical/GP Visit card eligibility type, you must select the correct registration type as CCS Plus but there is no longer a requirement to select CCSP eligibility information or attach a document. Leave this section blank and proceed with the registration.
However, if you are registering a child with one of the eligibility types listed on the registration form on PIP, you must select the relevant Eligibility Type from the drop down menu, and attach the correct document.
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