PIP Announcement : PSP 2019/20 Advance Payment
Dear Service Provider,
As announced on Friday 10th April, to assist with any cash flow difficulties being experienced, DCYA is planning to release 33% of the Programme Support Payment (PSP) you were scheduled to receive in June, to reach your account on 17th April. The PSP for this programme cycle involves a new calculation to include the National Childcare Scheme (NCS) which is being brought into the PSP along with ECCE, CCSP and TEC. The total amount available to providers for 2020, payable now and in June, remains the same as last year at €19.4m, however, funding for individual providers and registrations may differ from previous years.
PSP is calculated based on a period in time referred to as the “snapshot” period. A number of different snapshot periods during the programme year have been used to calculate PSP since it was introduced in June 2017. This year, December 2019 was selected as an equitable point on which to base the ECCE, CCSP and TEC 2020 PSP payment and March 2020 was the base used for NCS, reflecting that it was a new scheme only introduced in November. PSP is calculated as equal to 7 days’ (1.4 weeks’) registrations for ECCE at Standard Capitation, 1 week for NCS, and 12.5 days’ (2.5 weeks’) registrations for CCSP and TEC, in respect of the 2019/20 programme cycle.
An application form to apply for the PSP will follow in May 2020 for this advance and the remaining 66%. To reflect the exceptional circumstances and to assist with cash flow requirements due to COVID-19, this payment is being released in advance of the 2019/20 PSP application form. This payment will be subject to the terms and conditions in this PSP application form, which will mirror the conditions of the 2018/19 PSP application form. If a service does not wish to accept this advance payment, please contact eypc@pobal.ie to make arrangements to return the payment.
Note: If you have more than one contract, you will receive a separate PSP payment relative to each contract, it will not be a combined single payment. Your provider portal and the remittance advice you receive will include a description of each payment.
Early Years Team
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