August 26, 2021
Notice regarding ECCE 2020 Registrations
Registrations for the Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme (ECCE) 2020 Programme are now closed. Early Years Service Providers are no longer able to create new child registrations on the Early Years Hive.
Due to this, you are advised not to cancel ECCE 2020 Registrations on the Early Years Hive. If there are any issues regarding inaccurate ECCE 2020 Registrations / Cancellations, please create a request on Hive for further guidance. Please navigate to the Request screen and select the below options:
– Request Type: Registrations
– Request Type Detail: General
– Subject: ECCE
– Request Type Detail: General
– Subject: ECCE
Please indicate the inaccuracies or the number of cancelled registrations, and the Early Years team in Pobal will liaise with you on this to resolve.
If Approved ECCE 2020 Registrations are cancelled on the system, this can cause overpayments to the Service Provider which may result in reductions and / or net offs in payments for the 2021 programme year.
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