September 15, 2021
Managing Changes for AIM LEVEL 7
Managing Changes for AIM LEVEL 7
Pobal would like to issue a reminder that any changes to the setting or attendance of a child approved for AIM level 7 funding should be reported to Pobal within 10 working days of the change taking place. Please see below for more information on examples of such changes and the correct method for reporting them to Pobal:
1) Change of Sessions/Session Ratios/Attendance/External Supports: These changes can be reflected by completing a Change of Circumstance review on the Early Years Hive. Please click here to see video demonstration.
2) Prolonged Absence: If the child has been absent for a period of 4 weeks or more, complete a Prolonged Absence review on the Early Years Hive. Please click here to see video demonstration.
3) Absence of AIM Assistant: If the AIM assistant has been absent from the setting for 4 weeks or more, complete a Change in Implementation of Support review. Please click here to see video demonstration.
4) EWSS funding being used: If you have been approved for AIM level 7 funding for a child but are opting to use Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) funding in lieu of AIM Level 7 funding, please complete a service request on the Early Years Hive, entering “EWSS Withdrawal” in the subject line and selecting the following criteria options:
Request Type: Funding
Request Type Detail: Payments Query
Subject: AIM Level 7
Request Type Detail: Payments Query
Subject: AIM Level 7
In the description of the request, enter all relevant level 7 application IDs, and advise if EWSS has been used since the start of the programme year.
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