Invite to Public Health Webinar 2pm, 7 July & updated HPSC Guidance
Close Contacts of Covid-19 & restricted movements
In certain limited circumstances, and only on instruction from the HSE, an asymptomatic person who has been identified as a close contact may not be required to restrict their movements. The HSE contact management programme will determine this based on the person’s vaccine protection or whether they have had Covid-19 in the last nine months.
Movement of staff between pods
The guidance notes that, in relation to movement of staff between play-pods, the risks associated with such movement is likely to be reduced if the staff member has significant vaccine protection or if they have had Covid-19 in the last nine months. However, providers are advised that movement of staff between play-pods should continue to be minimised, and only happen when essential or unavoidable.
The revised Guidance can be found at: https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/guidance/childcareguidance/Guidance%20for%20services%20providing%20childcare%20services.pdf
Providers and their staff are asked to read the revised Guidance closely and update policies and procedures as required.
Webinar on Public Health
As previously advised, the Department will host a public health webinar for services on Wednesday, 7 July at 2pm. The webinar will include an update on the changes to the HPSC guidance. You can join the webinar by clicking this link https://irlgov.webex.com/irlgov/onstage/g.php?MTID=e72fdb6f567dc6a35d57b825698a81423. This event will be recorded and published on first5.gov.ie.
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