November 22, 2018
Early Years and School Age Capital 2018 reserve list and reporting Announcement
Early Years and School Age Capital 2018 RESERVE LIST Announcement
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs are pleased to announce that additional funds have been secured to fund a number of applications that were previously placed on the reserve list.
Pobal has sent out notification emails to the services that were on the reserve list and that have been successful in securing funding. Unfortunately if you have not received a notification email from Pobal at this time, it means that you will now not be funded under the Early Years and School Age Capital 2018 grant.
If you have additional queries in relation to the reserve list please contact Pobal online support at, onlinesupport@pobal.ie
EYC and SAC 18 – Reporting Announcement
Please be advised, the closing date for submission of Expenditure Reporting on EYC and SAC 18 is the 30th of November 2018.
Any Returns not submitted by that date WILL NOT receive the final 10% of the grant.
Services that do not submit returns will be subject to funding being withdrawn and risk having to return the 90% of the grant that has already been paid .
Please submit your Expenditure Reports by Return. If you require any further assistance please contact onlinesupport@pobal.ie
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