CCSP & TEC Programme calls 2019/2020 – Contracting Process
CCSP and TEC Programme calls 2019/20 – Contracting Process
Please be aware that the Grant Funding Agreements for CCSP and TEC are now available to activate on PIP for the 2019/20 programme year.
Note: These are roll-over Agreements from the 2018/19 programme year (as referred to in the CCSP Funding Agreement 2018/19, clause 1.10*). However, it is necessary for all services to activate these Grant Funding Agreements for the 2019/20 programme year.
New Services: New services wishing to participate in the CCSP and TEC programmes for the first time must first contact their local County Childcare Committee in order to commence the contracting process.
The following sequential steps must completed on PIP by all services in order to activate the Grant Funding Agreements.
1. Ensure that you have completed the Primary Authorised User (PAU)
2. Certify your organisation details
3. Certify your service details
4. Activate your Grant Funding Agreement
Further guidance on the Contracting process can be found in the How to Guidance section on the PIP Portal.
*CCSP Funding Agreement 2018/19 clause 1.10:
“Term” means a one year period from the date of commencement of the Community Childcare Subvention Plus Programme on 20/08/2018, pursuant to this Agreement or such further period as necessary pending the introduction of the Affordable Childcare Scheme (“ACS”), or such similarly worded scheme, to be introduced pursuant to legislation to be enacted in 2018 which will replace the CCS Programme.
Please note the Affordable Childcare Scheme referred to above relates to the National Childcare Scheme (NCS)
Fees Lists and Service Calendars
Fees lists and Service Calendars must be uploaded by Friday 16 August 2019
Please be aware that these dates differ to those outlined in clause 2.1 (e) of the 2018/19 CCSP Funding Agreement and 2.1(e) of the 2018/19 TEC Funding Agreement:
Guidance on how to upload Fees Lists and Service Calendars can be found in the How to Guidance section on the PIP Portal.
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