Annual Early Years’ Service Profile 2020/21 – Launch announcement
The Annual Early Years’ Service Profile 2020/2021 is now on the Early Years Hive.
The Annual Early Years’ Service Profile is the primary data source on the Irish early learning and care and school-age childcare sector. It is developed and published by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
The Annual Early Years’ Sector Profile, which has been running for over 18 years, plays a central role in informing policy development and assessing the impact of policy change.
It provides a comprehensive national analysis of over 4,500 early learning and care and school-age childcare services throughout Ireland on key issues, such as capacity and staff.
The continuation of this survey in 2021 is more important than ever given the challenges the pandemic has presented for your sector. The information you provide will be essential to assess the impact of the pandemic on the sector and to inform future policy development.
Pobal and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey.
A new supplementary Income and Costs Survey is also available on the Early Years Hive.
The survey aims to capture key data on service income and costs. These data were previously captured as part of the Independent Review of the Cost of Providing Quality Early Learning and Childcare in Ireland published in 2020.
The survey is entirely voluntary but participation is strongly encouraged. We understand that this sensitive data and it will be treated in the strictest confidence by Pobal and the Department.
The up to date data collected in the 2021 survey will be used to update the cost modelling tool developed as an output of the Review.
These data are also intended to inform the development of funding schemes in the future and continue to be considered by the Expert Group to develop a new funding model for ELC and SAC. Participation is voluntary but is strongly encouraged.
About the Annual Early Years Service Profile
The Annual Early Years’ Service Profile is developed and published by Pobal on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The content of the survey is informed by a stakeholder consultation, which was conducted in partnership with the Early Years Forum.
The data collected will allow for in-depth analysis of the sector across a range of headings including:
Service detail and provision
Capacity and attendance
Staffing (numbers, qualifications, staffing retention, level of turnover etc.)
By providing the most up-to-date national data on the sector, we are able to support a range of key stakeholders in their planning and analysis. For instance, data may be shared with:
Government Departments (e.g. Department of Education and Skills, Early Years Inspectorate)
Organisations conducting research and analysis on behalf of Government Departments
Statutory agencies (e.g. Túsla Early Years Inspectorate)
Better Start Early Years Specialist Service
City/County Childcare Committees
Local Authorities (to inform local planning and development priorities)
Summary data will also be provided to the following organisations for research and statistical purposes:
Voluntary Childcare Organisations
Central Statistics Office
Third Level Institutions
Data from this survey may also be combined with findings from other surveys of the early learning and care and school-age childcare sector conducted on behalf of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
We have made every effort to keep the survey short and relevant. Only questions that relate to key policy and planning priorities are included in the survey. A supplementary survey on income and costs is also included and we would greatly appreciate you taking the time to complete this also.
Where on the Hive:
You can access the Annual Early Years Service Profile by going to My Account > Surveys on the Hive.
You will also find a guideline document available in the Useful Links section of Hive.
Completing the Survey:
A service profile should be completed for each facility i.e. one for each DCEDIY reference number (DCYA Reference number).
How long will it take to complete the service profile?
The length of time it takes to complete the survey depends on the size of the service, the number of staff and number of children enrolled. It is expected to take around one hour. The survey will save so you can complete it in more than one sitting before final submission.
Can I complete the service profile through Irish?
Yes. We are delighted to introduce this option for the first time for services operating in Irish.
When is it due?
The deadline for completing the survey is Friday the 11th of June 2021.
Who can we contact for assistance?
If you experience any difficulties accessing or completing this survey, please log a request through the Early Years Hive using the following categories:
Request type: EY Service Profile
Request type details: EY Service Profile
Request Programme: EY Service Profile.
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