AIM Level 1 – Inclusion Co-ordinator (LINC) Application Process Open for 2021/22
The application process for the increased Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) capitation, funded by Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY), in recognition of the leadership and mentoring role that will be delivered by the Inclusion Co-ordinator, during the 2021/2022 pre-school year is now open for existing graduates. New graduates (i.e. graduating in October 2021) can apply when final exam results have been notified by Mary Immaculate College (expected late September 2021).
Applications must be submitted electronically via the Early Years Hive portal. Prior to applying for AIM Level 1, service providers must ensure that they have completed the ECCE programme readiness process. Applicant guidelines can be found here.
Applications received by Friday 29th October 2021 will be awarded the additional capitation to the beginning of the Inclusion Co-Ordinator’s start date for the programme year. Applicants are encouraged to apply early, as any applications received after this date will not be backdated.
Should you have any queries in relation to the AIM, please contact the Early Years Provider Centre by raising a Request on Hive.
Kind regards, Early Years Operations Pobal
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